I am excited that the Pau Wau Publications crew included this zine of drawings in there ZINE TIME Project. They put together twenty zines by twenty artists. The Newsstand is at the Lorimer L stop right now. The zines in the series are only $1 each(bring a bag of quarters)!! Lele Saveri is running things over there. A bunch of good books and posters and stickers and other things by a bunch of good people. Go get some stuff!
Good work ! good continuation :)
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Hopefully with the content on this blog, I can add to my insight, thank you
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Subhanallah..simple analogy but deep meaning. something we know but we never realized, opened my mind and heart. Cara Melancarkan Haid Obat Pilek Cara Mengobati Cacar Air Cara Mengatasi Gejala Tipes Cara Mengobati Vitiligo
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