Friday, November 23, 2012

It is the Friday after Thanksgiving and I have been thinking about things to get for people for holiday time and I thought I would put together a list of some things of mine that are available and some things by people I like that are available.

There are copies of Real Weird still available for $12.

I made a book with Dashwood and some (not too many!) are still available.

Alec Soth and Brad Zellar have been making some awesome books together recently (also, a show at Cranbrook right now!).

6 Decades books has so many good things.  If you buy that Bridget Riley piece please let me come over and look at it occasionally.

The letterpress portfolio recently released by 6 Decades and Boo-Hooray (They have been doing some awesome projects with Larry Clark (who has a new film you can watch right now for the cost of a burrito!)).

Baggu Bags!

Maybe a subscription to Believer! Voted the best magazine in the history (I am not sure this vote happened, but I think it happened) of publishing!

The Land Can Handle It book is sold out but there are some of the Special Editions still available.

Mary and Matt make the best designed/tasting chocolate bars in the business!

Matt Singer has a bunch of good stuff to look through on his site.  I hope you find something you would like.

Maybe some (a lot) of books from Printed Matter?

The People Around Here book from Seems is big and salmon colored!

Stefan Marx has a show opening on Monday at Primetime and I know there will be some awesome drawings there (and I hear there is a book being made for the show that is produced in a limited edition of 20!?!)!

A lot of good options from The Curiosity Shoppe!

I make editions with 20x200 sometimes.

and also!  I heard Taco Bell now has gift certificates!

I hope everyone is good.

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