Thursday, December 9, 2010

I am excited that a new 20x200 Edition of giraffes is available right now! The edition is comprised of silkscreen prints, hand drawn and painted giraffes, a squeegie and more! A great holiday gift for someone you know with a long neck perhaps?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Numpang share this info Obat Penghilang Benjolan di Selangkangan dhyo haw Obat Haid Tidak Teratur A7x Obat sakit dibagian Telapak Kaki tipe-x Obat Polip Rahim bondan Obat Miom di Rahim Sheila Obat Sesak Nafas oi Obat Kanker Tulang fals Obat Nyeri Punggung slank Obat Stroke thanks for permission and I hope this can be usefull for every one