Have you seen this pen? This Itoya Finepoint .6 pen is my favorite pen. I like to use it for all different projects. The pen used to be available at Pearl Paint on Canal, Lee’s on 57th Street and Dick Blick stores all over. I started to have trouble finding the pen at these places (and on the internet) so I contacted the company Itoya about ordering them in bulk from them. Itoya told me that the pen (item #FS-60) had been discontinued and sent me in the direction of a US distributor of their products. I contacted them and have purchased their remaining stock (not too many) of the pen. This is where I am asking for your help! I have a feeling (I hope!) there is remaining stock around the country. I am just having trouble finding it. If you are in an art store and see this pen I would appreciate it very much if you would get the pen (or pens) for me. They were usually about $2. I will send you a drawing of a giraffe for each pen you send to me.
Jason Polan
P.O. Box 15
Prince Street Station
New York, NY 10012
If you find a stock of them (they came in boxes of 12) and are more comfortable I pay for them—let me know where you found them, I can purchase them—and I will send you a drawing for finding them.
I appreciate everyone’s help!
I use a sharpie pen for my drawings
oh man, that's bad news!! I'll def look for some out-of-the-way office supply places and see if I can scrape some up for you!!!
Here are some leads: http://new.penwa.com/products/U2_81115_Itoya_FS_100P_Set_of_3_2_4_6_Black_Fine_Point_System-13652-2.html
I'll look in Canada for you.
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